For the most part, I like fall. I love fall. It gives you a taste of things to come. Cool, sometimes cold nights, but thoroughly enjoyable days.
Except for the last few days, that is.
At least once each fall, there's a weekend that is RAW. Cold, raining, raw. Cold, OK. I'll even take rain. But together. No. Rain, rain go away.
This is one of those weekends, and I am scaring away the rainy day by lighting the fireplace up and getting the candles out. The first fire of the year is sometimes, not as successful as I'd like. It takes a while to get the fire going, maybe it takes a while to warm the fire box, I don't know. It's going now.
So are the smoke detectors.
Next on the list? A warm stew dinner, and an evening hockey game. Yep, just me, the TV and the Toronto Maple Leafs.
Sounds romantic, doesn't it?